
Age: 15 years

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 60 pounds

Born: Cincinnati Zoo in Ohio

In the wild: Live in grasslands and forests of Komodo and a few other Indonesian islands.

Family: Babies hatch from eggs laid in a hollow tree or termite mound.

Food: In the wild, deer, wild pigs and dead animals. At the zoo, Gorgon eats mice and rats.

Fun fact: These are the world's largest lizards at 10 feet long and 250 pounds.

Click below to hear Zookeeper Dave Messman tell you more about Fort Wayne Children's Zoo's Komodo dragon.

Sumatran tiger Orangutan Magpie jay Flying frog
Bennett's wallaby Penguin Sea lion Macaw
Angelfish Black swan Leaf insect Aldabra tortoise
Aldabra tortoise Capuchin monkey Kangaroo Komodo dragon
Puffer fish Red panda Red-tailed hawk Reef shark
Reticulated giraffe Reticulated python Siamang Wrinkled hornbill

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