Take the Zoo Card quiz

Let's see how much you know about the animals in our virtual zoo.
Take this quiz, and see if you are an animal expert. (Questions based on 2010 cards.)


1. Seven animals are native to Africa. What's the only one of them that can fly?

2. What animal lives all around the world and feels slimy when you hold it?

3. What animal is a reptile?

4. What animals can turn their ears backward to hear behind them?

5. What animals spend a lot of their time in trees?

6. What animal grows to be the world's tallest mammal?

7. What animal do some people say makes a laughing sound?

8. What animal has 5-inch-long ears?


1. Scuttle, the white pelican

2. Moon jellyfish

3. Gorgon, the Komodo dragon

4. Mattie and Naya, the dingoes

5. Bangi, the Allen's swamp monkey; Tengku, the orangutan; and Junji, the red panda

6. Giraffe

7. Spotted hyena

8. Zimwi, the bat-eared fox

Source: Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.

Zoo cards home

Click the links below to see and hear the animals.

Going to the zoo?

The zoo opens for the season April 24. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. Cost is $13 adults, $10 ages 60 and older, $8 ages 2-14, and free ages 1 and under and for zoo members.